
Who Are We?

HCC began ministry in January 2004. We are a community church that endeavors to reach out to others, regardless of prior church background or experience. 

Where is Horizons located?

We are on 79th Ave, just north of Thunderbird (next door to Centennial High School). With easy access from Loop 101, we are just minutes away from all parts of the Valley. 

Describe a typical Sunday service.

We have two identical services at 9 and 10:45 am A typical service is about an hour. Our music is contemporary and designed to draw you closer to God and prepare you for the teaching time.

Will I be asked to give anything?

No, if you are new with us, we don’t want you to feel any obligation to give whatsoever. We want those who have decided to make Horizons Community Church their home church to give as they feel God's leading.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you comfortable! The atmosphere around Horizons is definitely casual, with people wearing anything from business casual to shorts and sandals.

What do you have for my kids on Sunday morning?

Nursery services (newborn through Pre-K) are located right in the main building, close to the auditorium, during both services. Click here for more information on Children's Ministry. 

Children's Ministry (K through 5th grade) are located in the Student Building during both services. Click here for more information on Children's Ministry. 

Middle and High School Students
 (6th through 12th Grade) are encouraged to attend main service at 9 am, then head to the Youth Room during 2nd service (10:45) for a time of teaching and fun with our fantastic Student Ministry Staff. Click here for more information on our Student Ministry.

Do you have small groups?

Absolutely! Groups are at the core of HCC. These groups meet on a regular basis throughout the school year. Some of the best friends you'll ever have are just waiting to meet you in a small group! If you are interested in joining, visit our HCC Groups page here. Or, fill out the form at the bottom of this page and someone will contact you with more information.

What do you believe?

We believe…

…every person is incredibly valuable to God.

…the Bible is the Word of God; true and without error. It is our guide for life.

…in God as Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being One.

…in the virgin birth of Jesus; God in human flesh.

…Jesus died for our sins because we could not pay the penalty for ourselves.

…Jesus was buried, rose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven, and we look for His return to take us to heaven. 

…each individual must decide if they will receive God's free gift of forgiveness and eternal life by confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  

…Jesus commanded us to profess our commitment to Him through believers baptism by immersion and through observing communion. 

…the Holy Spirit lives in every Christian, empowering us to obey the truth in God's Word and mature spiritually. 

…the church is the body of Christ, comprised of all Christians, and established by God to be His presence and His witness in the world. 

…the devil and his demons are real, the enemy of God, and intent on our destruction. 

…hell is a real place of punishment set aside for the devil, demons, and for all who will not receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.

…heaven is a glorious place of joy, rest, and reward for those who have received God's free gift of forgiveness and eternal life. 


Located in Room 3, and filled with resources for all stages of life.
Stop by any Sunday to check it out!