We are excited to be sending a team of 16 to Nicaragua next summer to serve with Students International! Team members will be working in various sites, such as social work, education, youth sports, physical therapy, medical, financial education, trade school, and agriculture. They will have the opportunity to serve members of the community in these areas while sharing the Gospel and the love of Jesus. Please be praying for each team member as they learn what it means to serve in another culture.


Above all, please begin praying for the team now, as they prepare to serve, prepare their hearts, and raise necessary funds.
If you would like to contribute financially to the team, you can choose any of the following options to donate:


2. Give by text: Text any dollar amount and the keyword NIC to 623-748-4483. Example: 100 NIC or 50 NIC (NOT case sensitive)

3. Give by cash or check. Please make checks payable to Horizons Community Church, with “NIC2024” on the memo line. Gifts can be handed or mailed directly to the team member you are supporting, or mailed to Horizons Community Church at 14120 N 79th Ave, Peoria, AZ 85381.