We are growing and welcoming more little ones to HCC!
If you would like more information about helping out in our nursery or preschooler class, click the banner and fill out the form. Our coordinator will be in touch!

When you come to Horizons Community Church, you can have full confidence that your kids are well taken care of so you can attend the service with peace of mind.

Our vision is for HCC Kids Ministry to be Biblical, relational, safe, and fun. Read on to find out more about what we offer for each age group.


Location: Nursery-north end of lobby | PreSchool-north end of patio
Family Room available in the Auditorium for little ones who are not ready to be in the nursery

We are committed to caring for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our littlest ones. Well-trained and background checked volunteers are committed to making sure your child is safe and that their needs are met while in our care. Our preschool curriculum is designed to give children a loving first impression of their Heavenly Father.

Every lesson centers around one of three basic truths:

1. God made me
2. God loves me
3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever

Grade School (K thru 5th grade)

Location: Check in for K - 5th grade is located in the Student Building lobby on the west end of campus. Look for the HCC Kids banner.

Our mission is to produce strong KIDS who…

K – Know God’s love
I – Identify as His child
D – Develop meaningful relationships
S – Share God’s love with others

Our grade school (K - 5th grade) curriculum helps kids discover who Jesus is and how to put their faith into practice so they can grow in wisdom, faith and friendship. A new theme each month gets kids excited about what they are learning and helps them discover three basic truths:

1. I can trust God no matter what.
2. I need to make wise choices.
3. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

9 am

Kids begin in their classroom with an opening activity that introduces the topic for the morning. They then head to SonLight Theater to watch a live drama that reinforces the Bible lesson. They then return to their classroom to review the lesson and participate in fun application activities.

10:45 am

Kids begin in their classroom with an opening activity that introduces the topic for the morning. They then go to large group for games, worship and Bible teaching with a multi-media format. They return to their classroom to review the lesson and participate in fun application activities.